Grades: 2nd - 5th grade
Context: This game can easily be tied to a history or social studies lesson about Native Americans, or used seasonally around Thanksgiving time. Teaches rhythm and about Native American music.
Supplies: (3-4 students per set)
-one die, two dice for an advanced variation
-a drum for each group member (hand drum, craft project, or their laps,
floor, or desk)
-game board and a feather for each player, to mark their spot
Before Playing: Teach/review the note values of a quarter note, half note, whole note, and quarter rest. Emphasize how many beats each note gets (in 4/4 time). Talk about Native American culture and music, maybe listen or watch a powwow.
-one die, two dice for an advanced variation
-a drum for each group member (hand drum, craft project, or their laps,
floor, or desk)
-game board and a feather for each player, to mark their spot
Before Playing: Teach/review the note values of a quarter note, half note, whole note, and quarter rest. Emphasize how many beats each note gets (in 4/4 time). Talk about Native American culture and music, maybe listen or watch a powwow.
Game Instructions:
Simplest version
1. Students sit around the board with their drums, or room to drum. Each chooses a feather and places it on the Tipi to begin. The goal is for each Native American to get from their home (the Tipi) to their tribe's powwow (the fire).
2. The first student rolls the dice, and moves that number of squares.
3. He will then play the rhythm of the notes from those squares on his drum, and the other players will “answer” with the same rhythm after him.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all group members until someone reaches the Powwow and wins.
1. Students sit around the board with their drums, or room to drum. Each chooses a feather and places it on the Tipi to begin. The goal is for each Native American to get from their home (the Tipi) to their tribe's powwow (the fire).
2. The first student rolls the dice, and moves that number of squares.
3. He will then play the rhythm of the notes from those squares on his drum, and the other players will “answer” with the same rhythm after him.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all group members until someone reaches the Powwow and wins.
Variations-Have students move and play the number of BEATS they roll, not simply spaces. If the note value is longer than the number they rolled (ie: a whole note when they rolled 3, etc), they still go to that note and get the extra beats. This emphasizes note value along with rhythm.
-Have students roll two dice for each turn. They will need to play longer rhythms, but the game will end more quickly.
-Extremely simple version: have students only play the note they land on.
-Have students roll two dice for each turn. They will need to play longer rhythms, but the game will end more quickly.
-Extremely simple version: have students only play the note they land on.